REAL Solutions Technologies is proud of its regional recognized brand and committed to upholding our reputation by providing our customers with quality services. To ensure customer satisfaction, our team works closely with our clients to make sure we are representing their mission to the fullest by providing them the best technology and support possible.

How It Works: End-to-end representation





Our unique end-to-end value added approach is the key to our success. Whether you need to introduce cutting technology to customers for the first time, or are trying to penetrate a seemingly saturated market, our highly experienced team will work with you to get the job done. Starting with training and ending with support our team is eager to act as an extension of our client’s representing them to the fullest.



REAL Solutions Technologies trains every client thoroughly every step of the way after a project is complete. We hold trainings for individual product lines allowing us to educate customers about the products or services they are purchasing from us. We also hold trainings that cover entire fields allowing us to expose customers to new practices and cutting edge technology related to their expertise, giving our clients products huge promotional value. Our highly technical staff is made up of engineers who interact with customers daily, allowing them to pinpoint technology gaps and suggest solutions.


Our goal is to fit the product to the customer, not the other way around. Our full fledged team is capable of integrating products and creating systems out of products to solve the problems our customers face. The local value added by these integrations often means the difference between making the sell and not. Our sales reps, support staff, and training team identifies problems customers and potential customers are having. Our integration team works with our clients to come up with solutions to these problems, and can then implement the solution without any added effort from you.


We have a small dedicated team that works specifically with our customers. Our sales team holds sales trainings for current or potential clients ensuring everyone is always on the same page about our offerings. We feel having a small personable sales team is the key to success.


Happy customers are repeat customers. We’re not just about the sale. We stand by the products we represent by making sure customers have the support they need. Our service/support team is highly trained and always available with 24/7 support hotlines and on call engineers. We have a large support staff with over 30 service centers and an internal certification process for each product we service to ensure we can support our customers effectively and efficiently. Our service engineers are excellent at communicating issues and concerns back to our clients helping close the loop on your product improvement process.